Now what does every sexy woman know?
1. The importance of "me time." "Sexy solo session are, deliciously and unselfishly, all about you," Myers says. "They're key to discovering more about yourself and amping up the confident mojo that exists inside you."
2. How to work it. "Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have and sometimes you just have to fake it 'til you make it! Before you know it, it becomes you and you become it," she points out.
3. No one has what you have. "Comparing yourself to other women diminishes your own unique sexiness," Myers adds. "Instead of comparing and putting yourself down, embrace and identify with other women's mojos and feed off that good energy!"
And for those who think there's no way you could add "Be sexy" to your busy schedule, Myers says that just thinking about it and then tuning in to how that thought makes you feel is an easy way to start. "Look for visual and mental stimulation as you move through the day," she suggests. "It might be the shape of your Fed Ex guy's muscular legs, the size of a fresh zucchini at the market or the sensation of being touched by a stranger in a crowded elevator. You can train yourself to see, think and feel subtle seductive elements in so many places each and every day. The more you do that, the sexier you'll feel."
CONGRATULATIONS: 1) Amy Harle, 2) LBDDiaries and 3) April Kennedy are this week's winners!
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