How Was Your Weekend?

Mine was pretty damn good and tiring...

1. A. got out of work early on Friday so we met up at Washington Square Park, passed by Popbar for an afternoon dessert (more on that tomorrow) and walked a giant circle around the West Village before popping into Berimbau, a Brazilian restaurant, for dinner.

2. On Saturday, we swung by Madison Square Park, grabbed some Jamba Juice and then made our way down to Union Square Park where we spent hours people-watching, listening to a live band and looking at the fresh produce at the farmers market. For dinner, it was back to Republic for some noodle broth because I just can't get enough of that place. Afterward, we went into Barnes and Noble. I want to practice my french so I bought my beloved Le Petit Prince and had A. talk me out of buying yet another set of cute notebooks. I have a thing for them. Too bad I also have a thing for leaving them unfinished once I find another one I like better.

3. A. set up a discussion group to meet up at Central Park on Sunday so we spent about three hours talking about religion, politics, science and society among other things. There were some really interesting view points presented and the attendees were all into it so kudos to him for taking initiative and doing something he's been wanting to create for so long. Perhaps next time I'll contribute a bit more than I did. (Baby steps, I guess.) We finally ended our weekend at Fatty Fish where I sang along to the background music while rolling my eyes at his refusal to accept that it doesn't all suck. But he recognized Sade so we are making progress, people!

As for that package I received on Friday:

After avoiding it for two years, I finally got the nerve to ask Mr. First for three VHS tapes of old-school cartoons I never bothered to retrieve after we broke up. I figured enough time had passed that if he still had them and could send them over, fine, and if he didn't, I wouldn't be too distraught over it. Thankfully, he sent them along with a knitted orange scarf his co-worker had made a while ago and two bags of what was my favorite red gummy candy. I felt the slightest pull in my heart...before I ran off to get ready for my date.