Happy Friday!

I got practically no sleep last night, but it wasn't because I gave Toby away. No, in fact it's because I didn't give him away that I didn't sleep well at all. After some last minute yes, no, maybe so on whether this chick was picking him up yesterday, I received a text late in the workday saying that she wanted to swing by later that night. Of course that meant I had to scramble to get him clean and ready, pack up his things, clean the house, fight back tears and ask A. if he could still come over for some support and comfort.

And guess what? She never showed. No messages, nothing. So of course once A. and I headed to bed Toby began his incessant barking...until 3 AM (he's never taken to people sleeping over). At that point I was at my wit's end and finally decided to take one for the team: at least one of us should get some rest for today's trip and I didn't want A. to suffer through this. So I dragged myself to the living room, plopped Toby on the couch and fell asleep with him. My neck is still in pain.

The best part? When I told A. about the barking and sleepless night, he hadn't a clue what I was talking about; he was damn near comatose through the whole ordeal. Grrrr...

By the way, what are you guys up to for Halloween? I want to get dressed up and head to the annual parade down in Greenwich Village, but I've no clue what to be! Well at least I'm ready on the candy front. A. and I just popped into Dylan's Candy Bar and stocked up on gummy bears and gummy lobsters. Too bad they probably won't last past this afternoon's flight down to D.C.

Image: i.imgur.com