I Need An Inspiration Wall

In my eternal quest to remain motivated since my greeting card design class ended, I've been keeping my eyes open for anything that could spark inspiration. The great thing about this habit is the more you practice actively seeking ideas rather than waiting for them to drop from the heavens, the more susceptible you become to picking them up. Recently I've come across so many that I need to start clipping and printing them out to keep easily accessible. Here are three that just added a bit more fuel to my creative fire:

Artist James Gulliver Hancock drawing the buildings of NYC.

Book origami by Isaac Salazar.

Yulia Brodskaya's paper graphics.

I have to say I really miss being surrounded by other creative types if only for a few hours a week. We'd bounce ideas off each other, grab some motivation from the other talented students and receive feedback (which I so miss!). So I joined a meetup group a few weeks ago and was looking forward to attending a crafty show and tell tonight, but unfortunately it's been canceled. If I did go, I would've made headway on the ideas drawn out in my notebook and shown off my latest card design freshly finished from last night. See a few days ago A. finally became an uncle! So I made a card for his sister and brother-in-law congratulating them on their cute little baby boy.

Would you like to see? Just be warned, it's crazy colorful and way cheerful.