It's My Birthday and It's Starting to Snow

But I love when it snows on my day. I remember being a child and hearing my mom tell me how snow symbolized good luck and that I was born in the midst of a blizzard. I always looked forward to snowfalls on birthdays, feeling special as I'd walk to school with flakes in my hair. And even though I now doubt the existence of some higher being, I have to admit it still feels like a secret gift sent down just for me.

Today I received so many birthday wishes from family and friends, was surprised with a fruit arrangement delivery from my sister, heard from my mom who's still in DR, was surprised again by my sis with daffodil buds in a cup, took a lunch break with a coworker friend and then had an intimate dinner with A. at Delmonico's.

And the bow on top of the day? The snow that's currently covering the city.
