A Toilet Paper Whodunnit

This weekend I had some guests over: A., my sister and her boyfriend, Dad and my godparents (who'd surprised us all with their first trip to the U.S. from D.R. the week before, but more on that later). Imagine my lovely surprise when I go to reach for the toilet paper the next morning and realize that someone had the AUDACITY to change the roll from UNDER to OVER!

"I hate youuuuu!" I instantly yelled at A. through the bathroom door. We'd just finished fake fighting and clearly - clearly! - this was his sick form of payback.

Yeah...the fool had no idea what I was talking about.

Next, I interrogated my sister about her boyfriend's ill will towards my under preferences, but they also assured me that it wasn't him who committed the crime. So unless it was the older folks who took it upon themselves to just up and change my roll's orientation (weirdos), someone's lying. 'Cause I'd surely hate to think it was ME who absentmindedly put it on that way. Then again, I still haven't bothered to turn it back.