Happy Friday!

Yay another long weekend is upon us! Even better is the warm temperatures we've been having in NYC (we're hitting 60 66 F today). It won't last because more snow is supposedly on the way, but believe that I'm going to take full advantage of this spring tease. Who knows? I might even dare to bust out my jacket.

What would your DIY glitter garland say?
Talk about sweet packaging.
A lonely gnome's life in NYC. (via Swissmiss)
I now have a crush on all of Rob Ryan's goodies.
Goodness! And I thought my handwriting was pretty okay. (Here's more stellar calligraphy.)
Get your daily dose of compliments. (via Polli, a cute blog I just discovered!)
What kind of Cupid would you need?
Yup, pretty sure this is how Anthropologie comes up with their stuff.
Imagine living in a house full of shelves. I like the different elevations, but it's really just too much.
The "Students for Free Culture Conference 2011" is in NYC on Saturday. Anyone attending?