So what if we did walk roughly five miles today? I did it with an impaired immune system and sore legs from Thursday night's 2-mile run (so out of shape, guys)! Anywho, I'm done complaining. Hopefully I can fight this off because tomorrow I start a brand new freelance gig: writing and producing content every Sunday night for!
I totally want to copy Katie's idea and leave little notes in random spots for people to find. Actually no, I want someone to leave a note for me to find. That would so make my day right now.
A party? I want to plan an entire lifestyle around these festive paper straws.
I love this idea of wrapping gift boxes with a rainbow of yarn. Simple yet pretty.
Clever word puzzle universal wrapping paper and tote bag. Makes me wonder how I didn't think of it first.
Must remember to attempt this leprechaun trap cake next year.
A touch of designer whimsy in Scrabble, jewelry and home decor.
Next time someone causes you to give them a piece of your mind, be sure to hand them an invoice for services rendered as well.
Hope you're all having a happy weekend and remember: wash those hands and stay away from nasty sick people who've no business milling about among the healthy.