On Thursday night, another friend hosted a karaoke night and once again I was thankful that my boyfriend is never "too cool" to act silly and join in on the fun. And yesterday, I was beyond touched when a group of writing group friends decided to band together to barrage another dear member with text messages of love as he left the city. So yeah, people can be pretty awesome sometimes. I hope you're all having a lovely weekend and sharing smiles with your loved ones.
I'm not a fan of pies or pink, but this first bday party is quite sweet and sophisticated.
Whimsical emoticon rings.
How to make crepe paper flowers and a DIY envelope surprise.
This birthday in a suitcase would be great for a picnic at the park.
Anyone else thinking of attending Paper Source's A Midsummer Eve Affair?
I can't wait to go to this National Stationery Show meetup in a couple weeks.
A geeky anniversary gift that made me immediately punch A. in the shoulder
and ask, "Why don't you ever do that for me?!"
It happened again when we saw this.
How to make crepe paper flowers and a DIY envelope surprise.
This birthday in a suitcase would be great for a picnic at the park.
Anyone else thinking of attending Paper Source's A Midsummer Eve Affair?
I can't wait to go to this National Stationery Show meetup in a couple weeks.
A geeky anniversary gift that made me immediately punch A. in the shoulder
and ask, "Why don't you ever do that for me?!"
It happened again when we saw this.
Image: thecoterieblog.com