Top 150 Makers Blog List

I'm regularly cultivating my Google Reader by adding new blogs and sites that cater to my arts and crafty needs in order to learn how other creative types approach similar projects. I also rely on my feeds to get a sense of current trends, what's been making the rounds and figure out what's missing from the chatter. And sometimes I just want to scroll through during a lazy moment and look at pretty photos and the amazing work of such talented artists in the hopes of gaining motivation to one day be as successful as many of them have been.

I've managed to grow my list by visiting the bloggers I admire and seeing who they look toward for ideas. Google Reader also offers recommendations based on the feeds you already follow and the topics that interest you. It's taken a while, but I like the collection I've amassed these last few months both on the reader and on Twitter, which also recommends people to follow.

But with so many blogs out there, surely many wonderful ones are living just beyond our radar. Well those of us looking for new sites to visit or who want more daily doses of creative inspiration are in luck because Evie S. just did the grunt work for us. She scoured the web in search of the top 150 design, inspiration and DIY blogs - or Makers - out there and the chosen ones have been ranked using different criteria such as traffic, Google page rank and Google Reader subscribers. And with links to each each site embedded right on the list, you'll have an easy time seeing which of your faves made the cut while discovering some new sites along the way.
