Dry As Toast Gets a Makeover

After three straight years with the same look, Dry As Toast has finally classed it up a bit for you. I don't know much about HTML and CSS so there's been a lot of Googling, making note of the qualities I like from other sites and figuring out how to fix up the place. I'm still making tweaks here and there and a new Facebook page is in the works, so bear with me this weekend and please let me know what you think!

UPDATE: Well the new site is pretty much done. Thanks for all the nice comments! I know some of you are mourning the loss of the toast (and yes, I saved it), but it was time for something new, don't you think? Please check out the new Facebook page and like Dry As Toast. I'll be popping in there often with fun finds and to chat with you so be sure to join the convo. And you can always follow my random thoughts and NYC outings on Twitter.