Blog revamp: After three years and nearly 1200 posts, I've been feeling the need to steer Dry As Toast in a new direction. I want a fresh look and more original/creative content. In other words, things that will pump some life into this place that will get me excited to blog once again. Sometimes you just have to shake things up when they start feeling stale. Come to think of it, my hair could probably use the same treatment.
Anywho, some ideas include interviews and guest posts from inspiring folk; narrowing the blog's focus to a few main themes such as relationships, lifestyle, arts, travel, NYC and personal insight; and going for quality rather than quantity. This means I might not share something new each day (but will share links to fun finds via Facebook and Twitter), but when I do, it will be meaningful.
What changes would you like to see on Dry As Toast?
Stationery design: This is pretty much the beast that refuses to die. No matter how many times I push this aside, it will not let me rest until I pay it some mind. Attending the National Stationery Show was a double-edged sword. It made me want to be a part of that scene so much, but goodness! The talent on display was a bit paralyzing. I learned so much from walking the show and talking to others, but it also made me fall back and Dream much more than Do. Could I honestly pull off a stationery collection and maintain a writing career?
Writing: Little by little the "Published In" section in my resume is growing. Now that I met my last goal with a story in Anthology's upcoming "The Great Outdoors" issue and unexpectedly landing a side gig, I have a few other publications on my target list that I want to hit next. Not to mention an idea for a children's book that's part autobiographical and part fiction.
Quite a busy summer, huh? And with no vacation plans in sight at the moment, I might have to set aside time to look through old travel photos of mine and remember what it was like to sit out by the beach and think about nothing but the setting sun and the waves crashing onto the shore.
What will you be doing in the upcoming months?