"And now?" I asked from underneath the blanket.
"You seem to be really weighed down these days."
"I know," I sighed. "Was that back when I was unemployed?"
"Exactly. I didn't have any cares or responsibilities then."
"I suppose so."
Working six days/56 hours a week doesn't leave much energy to attempt bed flips and tumbles at 8 in the morning. Don't get me wrong, when I play, I PLAY, but more often than not I'd much rather chillax than hit the town. And now A.'s current bout of funemployment is making me wish I had more time for myself.
I might not want to go full-freelance again just yet, but it's high time I took a break alone or accompanied. I keep thinking about laid-back afternoons on the beach and ticking off how many months its been since I took a day off for our trip to L.A. earlier this year. Four months and no future getaways in sight.
"Let's take a vacation then," A. said.
"Oh could we please?! No more just talking about it."
See, over the last few months we've collected an impressive list of destinations that we could visit, but nothing ever comes of it. Blame life, jobs and the fact that time is flying by so quickly. I mean July? Already?! Geezas.
Our list so far includes:
Traveling through Europe
Honestly, I really don't care where we end up as long as I get to leave this stormy stress behind for a few days and get a moment to breathe and sleep in (that is if my body ever regains that ability). Plus, everyone knows fluffy hotel room beds were absolutely made for jumping.
Where are you dreaming about these days?
Image: pinterest.com