A Week Away with a Few Things Still Left to Plan

One week left to go and I feel like we could still use a couple more months to plan this Europe trip out. See, I'm the type that gets a wee bit anxious if I don't know what we're doing, where we're sleeping and alternatives in case it all turns to crap. A., on the other hand, is much more free-wheeling and the crazy man has no problems going to a foreign country without an itinerary or even knowing the language. And yet he's somehow lived to tell those tales. Thankfully, this time he's been great at mapping things out, researching and listing the things we'd like to see. I don't know if it's because nine cities in five countries in three weeks is going to be one hell of a trip or if it's to calm my nerves down.

We still have to find lodging for the last leg of the trip, make museum reservations (I hear this David guy is quite popular in Florence) and figure out the banking situation. Aside from poring over Rick Steves' site and reading endless accommodation reviews, I've:

...researched and contacted a slew of writers and artists who either live, have lived or have traveled extensively through each of the destinations I'll be visiting. I seriously felt like I traveled through western Europe over the course of two days. That means there's a fun line-up of guest bloggers' posts while I'm overseas. You might not even want me to come back on, but we'll be popping in with our own travel stories and photos from the road (time and wireless internet permitting) whether you like it or not.

...not been eating or sleeping enough. Too many things running through my head which only leaves me feeling super zapped every the morning. The last thing I need is to feel run down before I even go on vacation.

...been wishing I'd kept practicing my Italian and French. Years of hard work and money put into classes only to have forgotten them right when I actually need it. I'm hoping the foreign air will jog my memory and miraculously leave me spitting rhymes en français. C'est vrai!

...had flashes of excitement. I usually don't get hyped until I'm buckled into my plane seat, but yesterday, on a routine trip to the bathroom at work, it hit me. "Oh my God, I'm going to Paris!!" Don't mind me. A. sure didn't when I im'ed him about my sudden enthusiasm.

Plus, I've been finishing up a couple projects at work before I leave so it's been busy, busy! And honestly, I'm just as excited about being open to new opportunities and the change of pace that will be waiting for me once I return home. I still don't even know what my new schedule will be and I think I'm starting to be just fine with that.

Image: etsy.com