Settling Back Into NYC

We've returned from our European trip! It was such an incredible time filled with so many discoveries that it's inspired me to seek a life spent traveling abroad. After all that how can I sit still in one place knowing there's so much more to see in the world? But for now, I guess we're pretty lucky that coming home means returning to New York City. Three weeks felt like forever and honestly, by the time A. and I reached Italy we knew that we'd be ready to come back when the time finally came. Now if I could just get my body readjusted to the six-hour time difference...

Our trip by the numbers:

5 Countries visited
8 Cities explored in 23 days
15 Railway trains taken
2800 Miles covered by railway trains
4 Metro/subway systems conquered
9 Lodgings we checked into
$27 Price of cheapest lodging per person per night
$150 Price of most expensive lodging per night
3 Number of times we did laundry
4 Languages Dorkys was forced to speak
0 Times we were pick-pocketed, forgot something, or missed a train
2 Notebooks Dorkys purchased for her collection
2 Decks of local playing cards A. purchased for his collection
10 Ice cream, sorbet and gelatos consumed
3087 Pictures taken

Posts on Cannes, Florence and Rome will be ready soon along with my tips on backpacking and peeks into the range of places we stayed in. I'm so excited to show you guys some more photos! In the meantime, I'm sending a huge thank you and hugs to my awesome guest bloggers who not only contributed great insight for many of the cities we visited, but also kept in touch via email and Twitter during our travels. I'm so grateful to them all (especially those who checked in and sent tips when A. suddenly ran a high fever in Paris). In case you missed them:

An artistic view of Prague by Russian illustrator Yelena Bryksenkova.
Tourist do's and don'ts while in France by Milla Msa of Not Just Another Milla.
Parisian date ideas by Lindsey Tramuta of Lost in Cheeseland.
A love story spanning NYC to Paris by Kasia Dietz of Love in the City of Lights.
The Paris Color Project by Nichole Robertson of Little Brown Pen.
Travel is about how you see the world by Anne Ditmeyer of Prêt à Voyager.
The charms of Barcelona by Monna McDiarmid.
Going local in Venice by travel writer Lara Dunston of Grantourismo.
Memories of Venice by Eva of Four Leaf Clover.
Five ways to experience Florence like a local by Kate Hash of La Vita è Bella.
A fondness for Florence by Melinda Gallo.
Tips for living in Rome by Shelley Ruelle of Un'americana a Roma.