Live Now: Artful Messages of Hope, Happiness & Healing

Facing any disease can change everything in an instant. If you let it, it can consume you and lead you down dark roads, but the fight for survival can also manifest itself in beautiful ways that not only transforms your view on life, but ripples onto others' worlds as well. The Live Now project began a couple years ago after graphic designer Eric Smith was diagnosed with cancer and the ideas of death changed his perspective on how he was living his life and how he wanted things to be.

"My whole attitude towards life shifted. I prioritized and organized my life around things that really matter—relationships, love, truth, purpose and inspiration," Smith says. "At first I did feel defeated, I felt a strong separation from my spiritual and physical health - two completely different things. I had no control over my physical health, but my spiritual well being could shine bright!"

So he began to journal and illustrate these lessons into different quotes and built a website to share these ideas. Soon thousands of emails from friends around the world poured in, all wanting to help spread words of hope and positivity. The Live Now book came to life after How magazine published a post about the community project and the two groups began talking about ways to collaborate.

The result is a collection of more than 100 pages of original photos and illustrations from about 65 artists that are paired with encouraging messages. They not only serve to lift your own spirits, but can be easily detached from the book to share with someone who needs a pick-me-up. "The overall aesthetic for our book has a human, made by hand feel," Smith says. "We wanted the book to feel very easy going, humble, and simple - and felt this communicated these ideas best. Of course, the perforated edges are rad. This turned the book into a tool of spreading happiness and smiles."

To learn more about the project, news, events, and exchange ideas centered on happiness and presence, visit the Live Now community website at "Our hope is that readers get a glimpse of what happiness really is, thoughts on purpose, and overall puts a smile on your face," Smith says.
