Float On

I've already admitted that I don't know how to swim, but would you believe me if I said I don't even know how to float? I understand the mechanics behind it, I do. Legs up, arms out, lie back, but I haven't been brave enough to let go and leave the waters to their job. I'm scared that the laws of physics won't apply to me and that I'll fall under if I dare to leave the shore behind. I imagine the waves knocking me over and the undertow pulling me beneath the surface, me gasping for the air just out of reach while the current sweeps me away.

But then here's the thing: in order to float, you must trust in the process - completely. Without trust, you'll never let the sea float you above the rolling waves or enjoy the ride with all its ebbs and flows knowing that your head will always remain above the water.

Image: flickr.com