What's Your Workout Routine?

I just got back from working out with Anonymous and I think I'm going to be feeling it in the morning. (A.'s always disappointed when he doesn't wake up sore the following day. Is that masochistic?) Anon.'s lucky enough to have a park across the street with a track and a gym inside her apartment building. How convenient is that?! Apparently too convenient because the woman hardly uses either. Well tonight I:

- Ran a mile around the track and speedwalked another half mile.
- Did 30 sit-ups and 90 crunches.
- Pushed through five push-ups (Man, do I hate those.)
- And an assortment of squats, lunges, bicep curls, and stretches.

It was really nice to have a workout buddy there with me because even though we didn't keep the same pace during our run, we joked and chatted during all the other bits and time flew by. We even taught each other some new routines and made plans to do it all again together next Tuesday. I want to keep doing crunches on my own and also have a Groupon for a month-long membership to the YMCA that I really need to activate soon before it expires.

What are your favorite workout routines? I know it's good to mix things up, but I still prefer to just run around until I get tired. It's so nice to let the mind wander and just let my legs do their thing.

Image: motivationtohabit.tumblr.com