20 Inexpensive Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day

I don't know what we'll be doing for Valentine's Day this year, but I'd been thinking that just because we're on a budget doesn't mean we can't make something special of the day, right? While it might very well be a commercialized holiday (which ones aren't anyway?), it'd still be nice to show a little extra affection on V-day - or am I just saying that because I'm a woman? So I thought up some simple and low-cost ways you can share the love.

1. Surprise her with a trip to your favorite lookout spot and read poetry together. Better yet, write one of your own.
2. Search for free dance classes in your area and pick up a few new moves.
3. Or find a sex book or website with moves of a racier kind and try them out that very night.
4. Breakfast in bed. Bonus points if you get creative with the presentation.
5. Set up an area in the apartment for a fun photo shoot.
6. During the week leading up to Valentine's Day, hand him an envelope with a quick note describing one thing you adore about him or a special memory you've shared.
7. Discover a whole new dessert recipe and attempt to make it from scratch.
8. Two words: oil massage. Spectrum Naturals Refined Organic Coconut Oil is amazing!
9. Instead of heading out to dinner, stay in and cook each course together.
10. Precede or follow with a classic DVD. Does anybody else still love Amelie as much as I do?
11. Are you the crafty type? Can you play the guitar? Are you a top chef on the low? Then use it those talents to your advantage.
12. Give him some guy time to watch sports and play his video games. (Pro tip ladies: they like it when you give their games a chance.)
13. Write a love letter by hand and hide it. She'll treasure it far more than a quick text message.
14. Send him off to work with a pre-packed lunch complete with something sweet - like fruits with these cute labels.
15. Greet her after work with a hot bath and kisses to help her unwind.
16. Let the inner child out: don your PJ's, build a tent, and bust out the board games along with everything you'll need to make s'mores by the fire.
17. You know those chores you keep getting nagged about? Do them before you're asked.
18. Grab an astronomy book or download a constellation app for your phone or iPad (like Star Walk!) and go stargazing.
19. Go in for that yearly check-up. Love yourself first and make sure you'll stick around to love everyone else for a long time.
20. If you love her, just show and tell her - every single day of the year.

What will you be doing for Valentine's Day?

Images: bella185.com and designsponge.com