Comfort In Uncertainty

The last few months have been stressful for A. and me and it's not the relationship, but rather outside factors that have been taking a toll on our moods. See, he's been having the hardest time landing a new job and after a string of interviews that have ultimately led nowhere, he's somewhat shifted into survival mode.

I try to be comforting, encouraging, and attempt to cheer him up and drag him out the house when he's feeling low, but sometimes I don't know what else to do. Should I back off and leave A. to do his thing when my instinct is to run and shower him with feelings whenever he's down? He's quite the practical one, you know. I think in the end all I can do is be by his side as he figures things out and hope that something good comes soon.

Then there's me. I'm also trying to recover from a financial hit. Since being bumped down to part-time status upon my return from Thailand, I'm also trying to stay afloat and optimistic. And with goals and plans that I want to make happen this year, it means a lot that we both be in good financial standing.

But see sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I want that I forget that he's also in a spot that's uncertain and scary. When I want to go out with him to enjoy the day and he'd rather stay inside, I get so frustrated! This city is filled with cheap and fun things we could do, but it's hard to focus on that when his mind is elsewhere - as it should be, I guess. So for now I'm here, offering my help and (sometimes unsuccessfully) trying to keep my selfish needs in check.

How do you comfort your partner when he/she is going through a really rough time? Do you ever get annoyed, too?

Image: Anton Tang