Hello There

It's been such a long day that I didn't even get to share a little inspiration with you today, but I hope this scene I captured at the High Line on Saturday will help calm you a bit. It almost looks like a boardwalk by the beach, but in reality it was freezing cold and snow flurries were just starting to fall. I just keep telling myself that winter's almost over, winter's almost over...

After today's morning shift, I went right out to shoot my daily photo for the Souvenir Foto School and go about my errands. Can you believe this month is nearly over and I've only two more letters to shoot?! I can't wait to show you all the things I've captured with the camera. (I'll sprinkle them around this week.) This has truly been a fun - and sometimes trying - experience and I've been thinking of continuing something similar once class is over. Just maybe not every day because my shoulder is about to fall off carrying this camera up and down town.

Plus, I've been going to the gym three times a week for the last couple weeks. The true test will come after my gym buddy Anonymous lets her 30-day trial membership expire a week before mine. Who will I Zumba with then??

So that mixed in with a spontaneous trip to the zoo, writing assignments, and a toy party has kept me a busy bee. What have you been up to? Keeping saner than I've been I hope!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who's filled out the reader survey. If you haven't participated yet, just click here to let me know what you'd like to see on Dry As Toast!

Image: H is for the High Line