A is for A Train, B is for Brooklyn Bridge

Our Souvenir Foto School kicked off on Flickr yesterday and would you believe me if I said I've already learned so much in just two days? We've touched upon the subtle use of textures, lighting, Photoshop actions, technical tips, and then some. Headmistress Tristan B. and professor Michelle P. are great with their critiques and the other students have been offering their own feedback, suggestions, and kudos.

You know, when the photos first started rolling in, my first reaction was "Oh my God, I thought this was supposed to be school! Why is everyone so damn GOOD?" But now I'm as addicted to reading the comments on everyone else's photos as much as I am on mine. There's so much good info being given on there and I want to make sure I catch it all.

We were given the option of choosing a theme for our alphabet project to help narrow down our focus and compile a cohesive collection so I chose New York City. To start off, I spent about an hour at Penn Station yesterday shooting Lord knows how many A trains speeding into and out of the station. For my first attempt at editing the image on Photoshop, I was too heavy-handed with the texture filter, but after a few tips from the class I tinkered with it some more and ended up with this:
To capture the letter B (and we don't have to go in alphabetical order, by the way), A. and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. I hadn't been there since 2009 and he'd never even set foot on it before. It was quite chilly by the river and the sun was just beginning to duck behind the Manhattan skyline, but I was able to create today's submission by merging one, two, three shots into this one:
I'm having a great time rediscovering the city and playing around with the camera. It's nice to use it not just when I'm out traveling.

How about you? Have you captured anything interesting lately?