What Do You Do With Your Ex's Stuff?

So I'd been cleaning out the house and throwing out bags of junk when I came across a photo of Mr. First and me that I'd wrapped up in one of his old T-shirts and then forgot about. I also have a small box of trinkets, letters, and other sentiments that I once tried to give back in a fit of anger, but he simply wouldn't accept because they had meant so much. They've been packed up for the past four years and even though I haven't looked through any of it in so long and the photos don't stir much up inside, I just can't bring myself to throw that bit of my past away. Is that weird?

So tell me, what do you do with your ex's stuff after the break-up? Do you return it all, chuck it, or keep it? What about jewelry? I have two pieces from Tiffany's - including a necklace I absolutely love and would never give away or sell - that have mixed in nicely with everything else in my jewelry box.

And would you ever wear or accept things that were once meant for your current partner's ex? Call me shameless, but I've been happily wearing a beautiful corset that A. bought for his ex years ago but was just too small for her. Never even thought twice about saying yes.

Image: someecards.com