Life is Sweet + Over Photo App

Instagram fiends, have you heard of Over? It's a cool little iPhone app that allows you to add typography to your photos in different fonts, colors, and sizes and then share them on your social media of choice. It's really simple to use and I'm enjoying adding captions to some of my images. In fact, I'm thinking of supplementing {Monday Inspiration} with a little photo + words of my own each week. Would you like that?

By the way, those Nutella stuffed cinnamon sugar muffins were evil! And by evil I mean they were hurled down from heaven they were too damn delicious. And you know what's the super perk of being an independent adult? If you want to eat these bad boys for dinner there's no one around to tell you otherwise.

Are you on Instagram? Then let me know! Find me under @dorkysramos or view my photos on