Makeshift Society: A Clubhouse for Creatives

Oh as if I needed another reason to love San Francisco without ever having step foot in that city! Makeshift Society has just opened its doors for members wishing to create and collaborate in a beautiful coworking space/clubhouse. It'll be perfect for freelancers, small business owners, and other curious types who are tired of being holed up at home. Imagine the ideas you'll bounce off each other and the connections you'll make while you're there.
The Makeshift Society Clubhouse is located at 235 Gough Street in Hayes Valley. Though small, it features different seating and tables, a pop-up retail kiosk, a conference room, kitchenette and lockers, a library of art and lifestyle titles, a couple of bikes for the borrowing, even a pillow-filled loft for a quick nap session. I love how bright and cheerful the place is and seriously? I kind of want to just move right in…
Not only will you be able to work on your own projects, but with scheduled classes, workshops, and lectures you'll also be able to pick up a new skill or two. To learn more about how to join, visit makeshift
