Thanksgiving Pecan Pie

Can you believe Thanksgiving is almost a week away? Yipers, this year (and all the other years before it, I know) has flown fast. After that the winter holidays will be upon us and let me tell you I cannot wait until the city is decked in lights and non-stop Christmas carols start playing on the radio. As much as the place irritates me at times, I still can't imagine being away from New York City during that time. The shop windows are already showing off holiday outfits and cozy wintry gear and the city received its first snowfall last week. I've also been drawing and painting up designs for this year's holiday cards so really I'm just waiting for when it's officially a sane time to be all about Christmas and the new year.

In the meantime, my close friend and master baker the Bantu Girl is selling gluten-free and corn syrup-free pecan pies made on a shortbread crust for Thanksgiving. The last day to place an order for her $15 6-inch pies is this Saturday, Nov. 17 so get your order in soon and you won't be that loafer that just eats and runs from your family dinner.
