I had such an awesome time this weekend, I think I laughed off five pounds on Monday alone.
I was perfectly fine in the beginning of the day and then for some reason my mood took a quick hit in the afternoon. I honestly don't even remember what triggered those emotions, but I hightailed it to the stores on 34th for some retail therapy. Five pairs of Old Navy jeans ($14 each), some underwear from Victoria's Secret (5 for $25) and some goodies from H&M later, I felt much better. Once home, I proceeded to retire all my tattered and torn jeans that I'd been stuck with for at least four years (because it's hard to find ones that fit) and made me feel ugly/slobbish/way too thin because of their bagginess. Those new jeans alone were the true pick-me-up. (And I think I'm set for the next four years...at least.)
Found the shoes for the weddings and then went out with the girls at night. On my walk to the club (it's less than a 10-minute walk from home and though I shouldn't do it at midnight, I'm a moron who refuses to wait for the bus), I hear a guy from behind me say, "You are so adorable." I looked at the 30-something-year-old guy rocking a wife beater and low-hung shorts, smiled and said thank you.
"So do you have a boyfriend?"
I paused for a bit thinking, "That is always the top question is some way, shape or form..."
"Oh you hesitated!" he laughed. "Aww you have one!"
"No!! That's not why!"
"Ok, so no boyfriend. Are you married?"
"God no," I blurted out before I could stop myself.
"So no boyfriend, no husband...I don't see a ring on your finger. So how can I be considered?"
"Oh, that's ok," I said approaching the club.
"I can't apply?" he asked. "I'm not your type, huh?"
"Not really," I replied with an "I'm sorry" look. Though to be honest, I think no one is my type these days.
And with that he let me be and I walked up to the (faux) velvet ropes. It was more of an "aww" moment. Maybe I was just surprised he was nice and not creeptastic.
Lord knows what I did on this day. All I remember is running around the apt playing with Toby and giggling like a weirdo in my PJs and then remaining in said PJs till at least 5 PM. Basically doing what Sundays were made for.
Monday was great! My cousin Dariany and I coordinated a semi-spontaneous picnic in Central Park. We told the troops, gathered food stuff and games and had an amazing time. I only wish we'd done it earlier in the summer so we could do it again before the weather cools. I thought it'd be rainy, but we lucked out with perfect weather - not too hot or too cold - and perfect company. Several days ago I wrote about losing touch with people you used to be close with, but isn't it also great when you meet people for the first time and get along as if you've known them forever? We had a blast playing Uno, Taboo and Partini and stuffed our faces with mini samiches, chips and lemonade. It was definitely the perfect cap to the weekend - and summer.

P.S. We were even treated to free (unwanted) shows because apparently our little section of the park was full-on PDA central. It was kind of disturbing and being the mature young adults that we are, we kept peeking over and laughing. I think we're a little fun :)
I was perfectly fine in the beginning of the day and then for some reason my mood took a quick hit in the afternoon. I honestly don't even remember what triggered those emotions, but I hightailed it to the stores on 34th for some retail therapy. Five pairs of Old Navy jeans ($14 each), some underwear from Victoria's Secret (5 for $25) and some goodies from H&M later, I felt much better. Once home, I proceeded to retire all my tattered and torn jeans that I'd been stuck with for at least four years (because it's hard to find ones that fit) and made me feel ugly/slobbish/way too thin because of their bagginess. Those new jeans alone were the true pick-me-up. (And I think I'm set for the next four years...at least.)
Found the shoes for the weddings and then went out with the girls at night. On my walk to the club (it's less than a 10-minute walk from home and though I shouldn't do it at midnight, I'm a moron who refuses to wait for the bus), I hear a guy from behind me say, "You are so adorable." I looked at the 30-something-year-old guy rocking a wife beater and low-hung shorts, smiled and said thank you.
I paused for a bit thinking, "That is always the top question is some way, shape or form..."
"Oh you hesitated!" he laughed. "Aww you have one!"
"No!! That's not why!"
"Ok, so no boyfriend. Are you married?"
"God no," I blurted out before I could stop myself.
"So no boyfriend, no husband...I don't see a ring on your finger. So how can I be considered?"
"Oh, that's ok," I said approaching the club.
"I can't apply?" he asked. "I'm not your type, huh?"
"Not really," I replied with an "I'm sorry" look. Though to be honest, I think no one is my type these days.
And with that he let me be and I walked up to the (faux) velvet ropes. It was more of an "aww" moment. Maybe I was just surprised he was nice and not creeptastic.
Lord knows what I did on this day. All I remember is running around the apt playing with Toby and giggling like a weirdo in my PJs and then remaining in said PJs till at least 5 PM. Basically doing what Sundays were made for.
Monday was great! My cousin Dariany and I coordinated a semi-spontaneous picnic in Central Park. We told the troops, gathered food stuff and games and had an amazing time. I only wish we'd done it earlier in the summer so we could do it again before the weather cools. I thought it'd be rainy, but we lucked out with perfect weather - not too hot or too cold - and perfect company. Several days ago I wrote about losing touch with people you used to be close with, but isn't it also great when you meet people for the first time and get along as if you've known them forever? We had a blast playing Uno, Taboo and Partini and stuffed our faces with mini samiches, chips and lemonade. It was definitely the perfect cap to the weekend - and summer.