Tuesday Giveaway: Bloomsberry & Co.

As promised, today's giveaway is yummy chocolate (and who can say no to chocolate?) from Bloomsberry & Co. Their witty packaging first caught my eye at the New York International Gift Fair this summer and I just had to taste it. In fact, when the package arrived at work, the tech guy swung by my cubicle soon after to ask why the bars were still in the box instead of his tummy. Since he does feed us his amazing homemade gourmet marshmallows, I broke out a bar and passed pieces around. We all agreed: this was some damn good chocolate.

This week, four of you will win one of the following pairs of chocolate bars: Girth Control and Emergency Chocolate, Marital Bliss and I Love You, Oral Pleasure and Pick-Up Bar and Chocoscopes and Girth Control. Just leave a comment below. Winners and their goodies will be chosen randomly on Thursday night.

Till then, try to keep all drooling to a minimum.

CONGRATULATIONS: Stereos and Souffles, Tooj, Gabby and Dama are this week's winners (in that order)!