
So, it's been pretty quiet around this blog huh? Sorry, but between partying, working late and craving sleep, my mind hasn't had time to formulate a proper post. Shoot, I didn't even get to schedule today's giveaway.

And you know how sometimes you wake up and your first thought is, "Aww damn, I'm so about to get sick" only after you get up and walk around you go "Oh wait, no I'm not. It's just because I've been comatose for the past nine hours." Yeah, that's been me for the past week and a half.

For those who wished me rest this weekend, sorry, but I did no such thing. Friday night I met up with JK and some of her friends at Public House, a fun bar where we showed off our silly dance moves to pop, hip hop and awesome 80s medleys. Time of arrival back home? 3:30 AM. Ouch.

But, of course, the big event of the weekend was yesterday's wedding #1 for Anonymous' sister. I'll work on that post as soon as possible otherwise I'm pretty sure the girls will send dogs after me. Beasts.

Anywho, just wanted to say the giveaway will come (tomorrow morning hopefully). My final thoughts on the Guernsey Literary will come soon. As for the wedding post...maybe today. Or maybe not. (Kidding! Or am I...)

P.S. Shout out to Anonymous who got stuck having to work today while the rest of us got the day off. How's it going dear? Staying awake I hope.

P.P.S. Did anybody see what that cocky bastard did to Taylor at last night's VMAs? When I heard about it I was shocked...and not shocked at the same time. Kanye just keeps sinking to new lows. Thank God Beyoncé has some class and let Taylor have her moment in the spotlight later on :)