Linda & Harriett Free Cards for Just Because

If you didn't win the set of Linda & Harriett note cards a few weeks ago, you could still receive a free card to send off to someone special. In honor of her mom's birthday (who passed away 11 years ago), owner Liz is sending a free card and envelope to anyone who sends in their address by 12 PM EST tomorrow (Monday). You just have to promise to send it to someone just because.

And NYC peeps, you can stop by the Blue Sky Bakery in Brooklyn tomorrow from 10 AM to 1 PM. Liz will be there giving away cards and stamps!


Monday Giveaway: Linda & Harriett

Linda & Harriet Thank You Cards
These days, "please" and "thank you" still go a long way and few things drive the point home more than a little note handwritten with care. From "Thank you for the wedding gifts" to "Thank you for the interview," you'll definitely be remembered for it! And, of course, we always want to find the perfect card in which to send off our gratitude. Shoot, I remember spending hours at the store trying to find the perfect set to send after all my interviews! Stuffy, boring, run-of-the-mill cards? No thanks.

Well I wish I'd known about Linda & Harriett way back then because I think her cards are so fun! And I'm not just talking about her letterpressed note cards - her greeting cards are simply delicate with a touch of whimsy.

This week, one of you will win a set of six Thank You note cards and envelopes in the design of your choosing: Scallop, Lace or Swirls. Just leave a comment below with your pick and a sure-to-be-thankful winner will be announced Thursday night!

CONGRATULATIONS: Emmy is this week's winner! She chose the pretty Swirl design - just what I would've chosen :)