Monday Giveaway: Just In Case Condom Compact

I'm all about safe sex (aka the No Kids for Now Campaign) so here's a stylish way for us ladies to stash a couple Trojans in our purse: inside a pretty mirror compact. Just In Case compacts discretely hold two condoms in a hidden compartment so no one will be the wiser. Not that there's anything wrong with carrying them, but really I'd rather not have a string of condoms pouring out of my purse in front of people.

(Not that I currently walk around with a purse full of latex.)

Anywho! This week six of you lucky fools will win a compact! There are two Pastel Compacts, two Metallic Compacts, the YouthAids Red compact and the Just In Case II compact and each one brings two complimentary condoms. Who wins which one will be completely random. Just leave a comment below to enter, followers and e-mail subscribers (give me a heads up) gain extra entries and six random winners will be chosen Wednesday night!

And if you have any juicy (or hilarious) condom-related stories do share. You know you wanna ;)

CONGRATULATIONS: This week's winners are AquarianJwl (in Petulant Pink), Eva Gallant (in Luscious Lime), Dama (in Mystic Metallic), TubOfLard (in Goddess Gold), Pam (in Rendez-Vous Red) and Gabby (the Just In Case II)!

P.S. I just had a few things to say about the comments:

1. You guys are hysterical! Makes me (almost) wish I had crazy moments like those to share.
2. Actually no I don't. You moms who've caught your children in compromising situations or its after-math sound super laid-back. I'm pretty sure if my mom found a used condom in the house, I wouldn't be alive to blog today. The Birth Control Pill Wrapper Disaster was bad enough.
3. These compacts are not big at all. They're the size of a condom and you could always replace the mirror you carry around for one of these.
4. Ok, so let me get this straight. Some of you are married, have a willing sex partner around at all times and you DON'T want to have sex?? My mind was just unbelievably boggled by that one.
