Mission: Gain Weight

Ok, I am what I think is seriously thin. At 4'9" with 80 lbs, my body mass index is 17.3, which would throw me in the underweight territory (normal is 18.5-24.9). So, I've finally had it with the stupid body issues and will be aiming to gain 5 pounds within the next month and will gladly welcome more. My target weight is 95 pounds (which will push my BMI to a much healthier 20.6). I've always leveled off to a mere 86 lbs for as long as I can remember no matter how much I lose or gain (my highest has been 91 and I had never been so happy for that), but this time I want to get to the 90s and stay there.

And I want to do this the right way so that means I can't binge on Mickey D's like I have in the past. I'm going to reach for the fruits and veggies instead of the fries and snack on oatmeal and nuts. I also have to consume tons of protein, which is gonna be a task since I suck at cooking meat. Of course if I want to eat junk I can and will because I cannot for the life of me understand people who deprive themselves for the sake of losing weight. I'm just trying to go for the healthier route to see if this time the pounds will stick around for a while.

Like I said, I've tried this before and have always fallen off the wagon after a couple days because I'm either lazy, tired or just don't care. Maybe sharing it with you guys will make me more accountable. Tonight I'm going to make myself some pasta with steamed broccoli. I'm also cutting up some fruits to make a smoothie either tonight if there's time or tomorrow. That'll be a nice morning drink that'll pack a punch and get in my fruit servings of the day. Yum!

According to Nutrition Data, I need to consume at least 1740 kcal to maintain my current weight. But since I want to gradually move to a healthier one, I'll be planning my weekly meals with MyPyramid.gov and aim for a daily intake of at least 1800 calories. So let's see how this goes.