So what is it about powerful men that gets us so riled up? And not only powerful men, but men who break the rules, know what they want and go after it. Despite our "independence" maybe some of us like being told what to do sometimes - or not have to tell a man what to do, how to do it, where to do it...
Anyway, so she and I started wondering: Where the hell are all the men? The good, quality, working single men without multiple baby mamas? At the sport bars? Pool halls? Writing about the lack of good, quality working single women on their blogs? If only there was some map that pointed them out to us, then it'd be way easier. So instead we're just going to get out there and make ourselves available. Apparently the chances of meeting The One when he delivers your take-out are slim to none. So happy hours here we come!
Btw, as much as I like a man on a motorcycle, the idea of me actually driving one excites me even more. Oh someday...P.S. The movie was really good (although I could barely keep up with all the action) and Heath Ledger's performance was amazing. He pretty much made that movie.