Sunday Round-Up

Moderately Confused


The College Reunion Was a Mistake, Huh?

Student: How was your break?
Math teacher: Screw you!
--Hunter College High School

Boys Take Non-Poking Very Literally

Teen girl: I was so mad at him that I unfriended him on Facebook.
Friend: What does that mean?
Teen girl: I was mad, but not mad enough to break up. This way we can still message each other, but he can't poke me anymore.
Friend: So, technically, would this be symbolic or metaphorical action?
Teen girl: What?
Friend: Nevermind.

Screw This-- Let's Just Go to the Twin Towers

Curly-haired boy: This is not the Empire State Building!
Girl in yellow pants: It clearly says it is on the building. They're just remodeling the top.
Curly-haired boy: No, they're just advertising for the Empire State Building. This is not it.
Girl in yellow pants: I'll go ask the security guard.(girl leaves with another boy, comes back)
Girl in yellow pants: There, even he said it is the Empire State.
Curly-haired boy: You saw how he laughed at you when you asked. He was tricking you.
--In front of Empire State Building

Says the Woman Wearing a Skort?

Little boy in ladies' room stall : You know mom, in Europe all the bathrooms are unisex.
Mom: Probably why it's such a godless country.
--JCPenneyGreensboro, North Carolina

But Odds Are You Still Aren't Paying Attention

Flight attendant, concluding pre-flight safety spiel: For those of you who paid attention: Thank you. And for those of you who did not: Good luck.
--International Airport, Honolulu, Hawaii

Daily Puppy Pick of the Week
Macksie the Irish Terrier

You Tell Me...

What are your fave quotes? I have tons, but some of mine are:

"Action may not always be happiness, but there is no happiness without action." ~Benjamin Disraeli

"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow." ~Alice Mackenzie Swaim