Four Christmases

I saw “Four Christmases” the other night and it was one of the funniest holiday movies I’d seen in a while (though that could be because “Elf” is the last one I remember seeing). The premise was nice and simple and the movie didn’t drag on forever (it’s an hour, 22 minutes long). Vince Vaughn was silly – yet awesome – as always and cutie-petutie Reese Witherspoon was great as well (you could just eat her up with a spoon). I appreciated the lack of sappiness (blech!) and we laughed tons. In fact, I’m pretty sure I missed several bits because we were laughing so much. Who knew projectile vomit could be so hilarious? So if you’re looking for a silly film that won’t have you hiding in shame if you go with the parentals, check this one out!

Four Christmases: 4/5 Toasties
