Naked Bliss

Yesterday I read an interesting article on why women should feel wonderful when they’re naked. Laure Redmond, author of Feel Good Naked, mentioned that some of the benefits of feeling comfortable in the nude include self-confidence and love, a sense of boldness and adventure as well as the obvious perks in the bedroom.

It all had me thinking (no, relax, I’m not going to start sporting my birthday suit outside):

What would it take to completely accept my body as it is? Do we get more confident as we grow older or does age bring different sets of insecurities as time passes? Do we rely too much on how other people see us, needing their reassurances to validate our beauty?

I can only imagine the sense of freedom that would bring. To throw your hands up and let go of all hang ups. To love each bulge, mark and perfection that makes you who you are. To say “forget you” to fools who try to impose their idea of beautiful upon us.

My skin injures easily and I have childhood's bumps and bruises written all over. Like the fading childhood scar on my wrist from attempting to go down the slide head first. There’s the iron burn on my thigh I hid from mom for hours despite the pain because she’d warned me to be careful. My dark elbows and knees. My petite non-curvaceous frame. The crazy curls I’ve long decided to let loose. I wouldn’t be me without them. But I’m nowhere near being comfy with the body I was given.

Not long ago I asked people what they thought sexiness meant and having confidence was a popular answer. Knowing you’ve got it going on inside and out. And yes, I just mentally snapped my fingers and did the neck thing for that one.

So tell me, are you bare nakedly confident? If not, what would it take to get you to love what you have right now?
