Mustn't Love Dogs

Time and time again I've heard phrases denoting the value of our wonderful men.

"Los hombres no sirven."
"Men need to sow their wild oats."
"Men are after one thing and one thing only. And it's not your personality."
Or my favorite: the all-encompassing "Men." With that you've said it all: men will be men (never meaning anything good) and all women can do is accept it or run off to the nunnery.

Although I know that this doesn't pertain to all (otherwise Lord help us), I also know that there are lots of no-good dirty fish in the sea. Toxic ones that will give you just enough attention (more like drama and indigestion) to keep you coming back for more. That is until they either get bored or get what they want and swim away to the next untasted bait.

And yet there are women who will stick around. The kind that hopes she's more than enough for him. She tries to tame him by accepting the unacceptable. Or better yet, by getting mad when she finally notices his true colors. The same hues (and clues) that were there from the beginning.

"I can make him change," she tells herself. "I'll be the positive influence he needs to turn his life around."

Girl please.

Here's a newsflash: you can't change anyone who has no interest in changing. Yes, he might fall madly in love with you and realize that he should put his roaming ways behind him. Or he might not. Question is are you going to keep waiting beside him until he decides to do so?

But you can't point fingers if you're in the situation. Not when you can take yourself right out. Men are dogs because women let dogs lie.

So who's worse? Those with the questionable habits or those who accept them?

We don't need to accept anything less than what we deserve. Doing so only reflects on what you think of yourself. Maybe it's time we put our collective foot down and raise the bar.
