High School Reunion Finale

I can't believe tonight is already the final episode of High School Reunion. My thoughts (as I watch the show):

- Scott W. is standing by Maricela despite Crazy Jessica's allegation that Maricela is a woman of the night several weeks ago. Funny, Maricela kind of skirted the accusation. Hmm...

- Wow, their tradition is staying out in the football field the night before prom? Why didn't Tech have something like this? Oh wait, that's right...because our football team had to go AWAY for home games. Lame.

- Dennis, the used-to-be-annoying guy who managed to offend the whole house in five seconds flat, just asked Shalonda out to prom. I'm actually impressed by his reformation. Let's hope it lasts once he's back in the real world.

- So rooting for Kara and Tom to do some rekindling! He just asked her to go to prom with him. Will they give it another shot after the show's over? *Fingers crossed*

- And Andrew, the band geek who had a secret crush for 5000 years on one girl, finally had his dream come true when she asked him out. Mind you she totally rejected him the first few days, but who cares?! Anything can happen on prom night ;)

- Man that Tom is one cutie! And he's so sweet.

- Uh oh, Scott W. is trying to pull some man stunt. Why does he want to discuss the gossip now?? Boo now her feelings are hurt. On prom! Unacceptable.

- Ok, on the real, I think she might have had a shady past (hey, those student loans are no joke), but that she's all good now.

- And because all things are always forgiven in the HS Reunion world, they kiss and make-up.

- My own prom memories were eh. I didn't get asked out to prom so I just went with some friends. It was all fun...until the final song came on and I realized that my whole table had someone to dance with and I was just sitting there alone. Blah. I teared up and went walking around the hotel ballroom (in the World Trade Center) hoping someone would pull me out to the dance floor. Seven years later, Mr. First found that song and played it for me one night so it could replace my memory of that song.

- Andrew got an "oh, what the hell" kiss (after she told him he'd make some other girl really happy)! I think his eyes popped out.

- YESSSS! Another shot for Tom and Kara! Hollerations! "I feel butterflies when I'm with him. I think Tom is my fairy tale, I just never knew it." And I love that everyone else has been feeling the same for those two.

- Cue Taylor Dayne's "Tell It To My Heart" performance. So if you'll excuse me, it's dance time!

- Prom King: Cowboy Chad. And after being an outcast through high school, never making the cheerleading team or going to her prom, Liz became Prom Queen :)

- Good-bye Chandler class of '88! (And slick Tom and Kara stayed behind for the "honeymoon they never had." Mmhhmm...)

For those who watched, what did you think of it? Were your own prom/reunions any fun?

Image: tvguide.com