String of Thoughts

Today was quiet.

And I shuffled through not wanting to raise any dust or leave my footprint upon the day. Quiet. Slow. Seemingly uneventful. Went through the motions.

When I'm having one of my mid-air days, I walk. I walk until my feet seem to move on their own. Some walk to clear their head; I walk to clear it and then fill it back up with thinking and wondering this, that and the third. "Flowers are blooming. I need to start taking my pills regularly." "I wonder how my cousin is doing." "Why do I feel so blah?"

Usually I go to the park and get my words down on paper. Sometimes they come. Today I didn't have the energy to pull them out. Instead, I quietly sat alone and deleted old messages from my phone. I didn't feel connected to anything around me.

It's both scary and amazing how the universe has the power to send you just what you need at the moment you need it. Only you don't really know what it is you need until you receive it. Sometimes it's a phone call or text from someone you thought had forgotten about you (and in my case it's just when I'm thinking of giving up on them). Other times it's a small hint of a path that will lead you to your answer. Little things here and there get set in motion just for you.

Today it was a middle-aged woman named Ana who came up to me and kept me company at the dog run. I hope to see her and her three dogs on another sunny weekend.

In the hopes of boosting the day, I finally watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. My coworker has been telling me how hysterical it is. Hmm, maybe I wasn't in the right state of mind? I did laugh, but I related too much to it.

I've been off since Friday and my weekend was filled with incomplete thoughts, reading, way too much walking and shopping and an Italian lesson at a cafe. Back to the grind tomorrow. I'm so tired.

How was yours?
