How Was Your Weekend?


I met up with JK, a close buddy from undergrad that I don't see nearly as much as I should. Why? Because she lives in NYC's red-headed stepborough: Staten Island. No offense, but can NJ just adopt that already?

Anywho, our lazy afternoon started out in Bryant Park catching up under an umbrella of trees and splitting a big, yummy Caramel Chew Cupcake. Then we walked to Central Park where we watched the mini carnival below us and took a picture for a singing scavenger hunting church choir group from Florida. Then JK and I walked back to Grand Central Terminal through Fifth Avenue secretly judging the people who actually shopped there.


What a long day for the pup and me! We headed off to the vet early in the day to finally take his sutures out. Then we walked to Petco for Toby's first professional grooming! I've been bathing him myself to save some money, but after seeing him yesterday I'm tempted to treat him more often. He smelled sooo good and the way they trimmed his hair makes him look so cute, I love him all over again. He received some serious squishes from me afterwards. In fact, I might keep that little bandana on his neck foreverrr. (Sidenote: I always love when vets and other handlers tell me what a sweet dog he is. It actually makes me proud!)

Then it was off to spend some time with his "grandma." He was completely pooped by the time we got home.
