Monday Giveaway: Chef'n CleanGenuity

I hate doing chores. I'll put off doing laundry until I'm down to my last sock. Likewise, I'll often put off doing dishes 'til I'm down to my last cup (sounds gross, I know, but I also only use five. When I win the lotto, first thing I'm getting is a dishwasher...and a real house to put it in). The weird thing is when I get around to washing the dishes it's actually soothing to me! The mindless scrubbing is some sort of psycho stress reliever (and the same happens when I clean the tub) that calms me down when I'm feeling anxious. Go figure.

So I will jump on any incentive that will motivate me to be a better housekeeper. I love cute and colorful things for my home and remember the excitement of buying essentials for my first apartment last year.

Oh how I wish I'd checked out Chef'n's site during those days. Or maybe it's good that I didn't because I would have bought everything on there! They have things I didn't even know existed, things that would make life - and cooking - a lot easier and fun. Yes I know cooking is not exactly my idea of a good time BUT how much better would it be with this GarlicZoom? Or their Kiwee? Or their adorable G'Rabbit salt and pepper grinders? Their bright designs made me want to drop everything and create a gourmet meal from scratch.

Then I woke up and smelled the burning one-minute rice.

Anywho, some of their newest products fall under their CleanGenuity tab: a line of fun and practical cleaning tools that will make you think twice about leaving the dirty dishes in the sink 'til later.

The Sudster Drinkware Scrubber is great for washing baby bottles, delicate glassware or champagne flutes after a couple rounds of bubbly with your friends. Or by yourself. Whatever. We don't judge. The sponge is super soft and you can twist off the handle to pour liquid soap inside. Now the Sudster Sponge Station is a personal fave. I'm always leery of leaving my sponge lying by the sink and don't even want to think about what germies are getting all up on it. So this serves as a little sponge holder that's a lot more sanitary than my current situation. And yes, it holds liquid soap inside the station, too. Pretty sweet, no?

Well this week, Chef'n will be giving away a set of both the Sudster Drinkware Scrubber and the Sponge Station to three lucky readers! Just visit their site and let me know what product(s) would spice up your kitchen. And if you follow or subscribe to this blog, you'll get extra entries.

Three random winners will be announced Wednesday night! (Non-bloggers please leave contact info or be sure to check back in within 24 hours.)

CONGRATULATIONS: Caren, Joy and Carla are this week's winners!