July 4th Weekend Recap

Ok, so this is a bit on the late side, but I had a good reason: I was still in recovery mode.


I actually didn’t do a damn thing that day. I vaguely recall wanting to go enjoy the sunshine when Mother Nature pulled a “haHA sucka!” and made it rain again. Then I proceeded to spend three hours chatting with Dariany to try and figure out hellish HTML codes.


A beautiful day. I spent the first part of it cleaning and tidying up the apartment. I always love when my place looks nice and clean, but hate doing what it takes to get it there. I watched Superbad for the first time and then the Phillies v Mets game as I painted my nails. Then I took an evening stroll with my camera to finally finish off a roll of film.

Then it was time to get ready for the night and, oy vey, what a night it was…

Well despite how sick I became towards the end of the night, I had a fun time at Columbus72. I enjoyed the music and though you’ll probably want to bring a dance partner for the Latin music room, the other room was great for just dancing around with friends and staring at the rhythmically challenged. They even played "Hips Don't Lie!" Unfortunately, I got the spins after a while and realized it was time to high-tail it home. (It was pretty bad.)

Clearly Sunday was shot and I was still trying to recover a day after that. The mere mention of vodka with cranberry juice still makes me queasy. So much thanks to those keep mentioning it to me. Punks.

Hopefully you guys had a wonderful (and headache-free) weekend!