Le Lezioni d'Italiano hanno Finito...per Adesso

Last night was the final lesson in Italian Step 3, which means I have my Tuesday nights back! I must confess that I completely slacked off in this course. First was the horrible 7:30 PM- 9 PM time slot, which meant I didn’t get home ‘til at least 10 PM starving but too sleepy to eat much. And then my coworker/ partner-in-Italian-crime couldn’t sign up for this level so I lost interest and fast. Shame on me.

But I refuse to give up on my polyglot dreams so during this two-month break before the next level starts up, I’ll try to read through the three chapters (in our textbook Oggi in Italia) that we covered over the last two months. I might or might not do the homework I missed, which were all but the first two (what?! I’m a busy woman so don’t judge me). But honestly, I will probably resort to Barron’s Learn Italian the Fast and Fun Way. This is how my coworker and I started learning on our own last year during our lunch breaks. In fact, we may have only studied through page 55, but we still breezed through level 1 (because we’re awesome).

The book makes it fairly simple to learn the language (as well as all the others they have in their collection: I bought the French one as well to brush up) and the cute cartoons keep my interest because apparently I’m a child with ADD who needs colors and pictures to understand concepts. Hey, whatever works!

Image: overstock.com