Chris Rock's Tries to Define "Good Hair"

"Daddy, how come I don't have good hair?" And so began Chris Rock's mission to find out what that term even means. Good Hair (out October 9) is the result.

The doc-style film surprisingly enough manages to dish out quite a few facts. We learned how women are willing to spend thousands on fake hair, about devout Indians who sacrifice their long locks never knowing where it actually ends up and what's really in those toxic relaxing creams.

What I wanted to know was why women went through all this just to get long straight hair that moved in the wind and why little girls as young as four were already acknowledging that their coarse hair was bad. The film - made by four men - merely skimmed the surface here. Plus, what do you think is a major motivator to get plucked, permed and burned? Men. And I'm not saying they're the cause of it because women have the vicious ability to knock each other down, too. If we stopped rating our natural bodies, then maybe we'd get somewhere.

Perhaps this movie will encourage women to openly discuss what's on their head as freely as they talk about the clothes on their body. Or perhaps they'll realize that there's nothing "good" or "bad" it - it's just hair! Those terms only come into play when you compare it to someone else's. And just like the grass is always greener, the hair is always straighter, longer, curlier, bouncier and cuter. So might as well love what you're rocking.

I felt Good Hair had good intentions and though it could have dove deeper into the emotional and self esteem issues tied into our hair, it least it cracked the door open for talk while cracking me up.

Good Hair: 3/5 Toasties
