Dear NYS Department of Labor

Why did you feel the need to schedule me for a mandatory workshop at 8:30 in the freakin' AM? I never had to be out and about this early when I actually had a job! I'm unemployed. Did you not think I'd had the ENTIRE rest of the day for this?!

Question for you, geniuses: What do you lose - along with a steady paycheck - when you're let go from work? Health insurance. And now, thanks to you, here are the lovely things I have to look forward to due to lack of sleep:*

1. Higher risk of catching a cold. In fact, I started sniffling on my way home and I don't think it was just because of the Arctic winds we've got going here.

2. Alzheimer's? Sure why not. My memory has already been going down the crapper for the past 10 years.

3. Why hello diabetes, heart problems, depression and obesity! And that stuff you guys were yapping on about? Totally did not process it.

4. I could die. Oh, awesome. Merry Christmas to you, too.

Seriously, it's like adding insult to an injury I can't afford. Work on it.

*These are obviously possible effects from prolonged sleep deprivation. In no way does this mean that I will not blame the NYS DOL for their insensitivity.