Wednesday Giveaway: Quotable Journal

This week's giveaway will continue on that writer's vein. I'm a huge fan of journaling (I've saved each one since junior high), but I haven't done much of it since I began blogging. Still, to me there's something about putting pen to paper that a computer cannot replace. Maybe that's why I still handwrite everything you read here before typing it. Plus, those books last long after your computer explodes, your hard drive dies and your files get deleted.

You can flip through and laugh at those petty little troubles of long ago and marvel at how much - or in my case, how little - your handwriting has changed over the years. And when your children swear you couldn't possibly understand how they feel about [insert teen crisis du jour], well you've got the backup to help you relate. I think that's why I keep mine. I don't read them, but I hope one day my kids will. Hopefully they don't think me insane.

The journal that's currently keeping my secrets is the Quotable Butterfly Journal which bears the anonymous quote "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." How fitting. This week, one of you will win a journal in the design of your choice. Just leave a comment saying which one is your fave and a winner will be announced on Friday.

CONGRATULATIONS: Toriz is this week's winner!
