Making Moves

Even though I haven't been writing much here, I've been quite productive this week. I cranked out four quick stories for I went through 200 new e-mails to RSVP for several upcoming events and create a long list of story pitches. I was just assigned a big piece for Latina's May issue and a spa review I wrote up two weeks ago is now out in this week's Time Out New York (mine is the third blurb). Oh, and that story I gave birth to in the middle of a technological breakdown? Apparently I nailed it.

My friends keep saying I'm the busiest unemployed person they know - and in a way that's incorrect. I'm not truly unemployed. I just turned my lay-off into an opportunity to freelance and do what I really want. But as blessed and busy as I've been, I want more, more, more. I want my name in more places, I want to research new topics. I want a steady stream of articles flowing out of my inbox. And after that tiny rutty stretch I recently found myself in, I'm taking full advantage of this spike in motivation. Now to actually submit all these ideas sitting in my notebook...

And how has your week been going?

P.S. Tomorrow night I'm finally attending a meeting with a weekly writing group A.'s been going on about since I met him. Hopefully I can focus and get something done there.

Image: Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische