Artistic Calvin and Hobbes

I've always been the type to flip to the comics before reading the news in the paper and went so far as to dedicate a semester-long historical research paper/project on "Blondie" in grad school. But growing up "Calvin and Hobbes" was my absolute favorite so when I stumbled upon this round-up of artistic interpretations of the mischievous duo, I couldn't help but smile and share.

Did you have a favorite comic strip growing up?

P.S. My grad school friend, Nevin, recently published a book titled Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and his Revolutionary Comic Strip. In it, he tells the story of the insanely-private man behind the comic strip with input from artists, writers and some of Watterson's closest friends. Want to know how reclusive Watterson is? Apparently he just gave his first interview since the strip ended 15 years ago!
