How Was Your Weekend?


I kicked off the night with a surprise birthday outing for my former supervisor where A. met some of my former coworkers. Afterwards, he surprised me with a yummy dinner at Momofuku Noodle Bar* before we headed out to Brooklyn for another 20 Something Blogger meet-up at Mug's Alehouse. Like last time, we got there and couldn't recognize anybody else so we picked a small booth in the back and just chatted. Now here was my plan: get to this thing and pretend that we hadn't seen each other since that first meeting in December. Too bad one blogger caught a glance at us while scanning the bar and apparently we looked like we were on a date. Busted :)

Anywho, because of the impending killer snowstorm (that never came), several people bailed, but we did meet Kat and Steve. They were quite the interesting duo and I got to hear wonderful stories about accidentally menstruating on a guy and what turtles sound like during sex. I bet you wish you were there, don't you?


Unfortunately, A. and I had an early start to the day - way too early. I was semi-awake at 7 AM wondering if I could hold my pee for a couple more hours when I heard stomps going up and down the building stairs, windows being smashed and fire truck sirens in the distance. When someone rang the apartment buzzer, I jumped out of bed to find out what was going on. A. muttered some annoyed comment while I opened the door to see the neighbor leaving her place and a fireman making his way upstairs. Oh, and I could smell the smoke.

Minutes later, I was freaking out, ready to run out of the building (I still didn't know where the fire was) and begging A. to please hurry. And do you think he did? Hell no. That cool-calm-collected fool wanted to take his sweet time instead, pointing out that if it were truly an emergency they would have rang the alarm and evacuated us. Once we finally got outside, we saw the street lined with fire trucks and smoke coming out of the building next to A.'s.

We didn't see the flames and hoped no one was hurt, but we kept away for a couple hours before returning home. After a much-needed two-hour nap and a hearty brunch at Johnny Foxes, we were good to go...right to his friend's new place so he could set up all her electronics. (Don't you just love a man who knows how to connect stuff?) Then we ate Indian food and watched one weird-as-hell movie. Needless to say, it was a long day.


Rest and relaxation. And writing out this tired, lazy weekend recap. So sleepy...

*By the way, Momofuku was good! If I had known we were headed there, I would've starved myself the entire day to make room. A. recommended the Pork Steamed Buns and the (ginormous bowl of) Momofuku Ramen that left me so stuffed I was sad I couldn't finish it all. And my Apple Cider Momofuku Soju Slushie was just sweet and delicious. I wonder if they sell it by the jug.