Sir Shadow's One Liners

I just stumbled upon Sir Shadow's art after Italian class last week and already am so fascinated by his work. He draws the entire thing without ever lifting his pen off the page! The formerly-homeless NYC artist who combines poetry with a love for art and jazz in what he calls "flowetry," now has a book, calendars, a collection of celeb fans and his pieces adorn several restaurants throughout the city.

Oh, and just as my friend, our Italian profesoressa and I were going to buy his calendar, Gil Scott-Heron - a revolutionary poet/musician/author who went on to influence future hip-hop artists - popped in and paid for them! Read more about Sir Shadow, check out the artist at work and then pop on over to the Chinatown YMCA, Houston Street Center at 273 Bowery to see his One Line Art Show through March 22nd.